keren ann的<<It’s all a lie>>的中文歌词

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 01:25:27

Keren Ann Lyrics

It's All A Lie 都是谎言

The lips of time, they kiss again ,他们又相拥了。就在一吻的瞬间
When I walk alone, into the night 我独自走在深夜的街道
They know my voice, they know my name 他们知道我的名字,听过我的声音
My need for love, my fear of heights我需要的是爱,我的恐惧加深了
So I keep my wit, my running game 我一直戏耍着人生
My shoulders straight and chin up high 我抬头挺胸
But it's all a lie 但是这些都是谎言
It's all a lie 都是谎言

And I forget how the time, it flies 我忘却了时间
When my fingers crossed, I hope in vain 我十指交叉,我祈祷
That you'll be home with sleepy eyes 你现在肯定在家睡眼惺忪
To fix it all, cause you know my pain 去改正这一切,我知道你的疼
And I forget how the time, it flies 我希望我能忘却时间
When the day is long, and it keeps me dry 日子这样难熬,我坚持着不哭泣
Cause it's all a lie 因为这些都是谎言

There's no perfect way to clear the mess 无论是混乱或是整洁
We both a past, in a silver frame 我们都度过了如银盘版的生活
See, my heart, it died, a slow weary death 看我的心,她死去了。